Be inspired
Learn new skills
Fulfil your potential
An innovative approach to short breaks and Day opportunities
Looking at the curriculum in a supported living context
"As a parent of 2 sons with SENd, I learned that there is a huge difference between learning a skill at school, achieving the certificate and then being able to transfer those same skills into a meaningful context so you can use them on a day to day basis in a life outside of school.
When our sons stopped having their respite breaks in a residential setting and they used a direct payment to visit centre Parc and Butlins with support, their independence skills blossomed and their confidence rocketed.
They became more engaged at school, eager to show their teacher the video of their cooking triumph achieved at short breaks; I believe they came through into adulthood less reliant on adult social care"
Rachel Mason (mother)
Turning curriculum targets into meaningful personalised life outcomes is a WIN,WIN for everyone
Literacy reading & writing skills are essential to participate in the community. Local Newspaper stories, finding activities and events, Safely participating in socially networking, by wrting letters, emails, internet.
Writing lists, reading menus, following recipies, answering letters, giving feedback on their experiences
Numeracy weighing, measuring, money budgeting, shopping, time management, reading bus timetables.
Local geography orienteering, map reading , journey planning, visiting local friends
Maintaining a tenancy roles and responsibilites, ownership, cleaning, housekeeping, laundry, gardening, staying safe at home.
Personal health skills personal care, meal planning, healthy diet, food prep, cooking, exercise, appropriate clothes, laundry, bed making
Emotional welbeing confidence, communication skills, expressive language, leaving home,
Group Interpersonal social skills are vital to participate in the community as well as to share accommodation learning to share, take turns, negotiate solutions, collectively problem solve, pool budgets, manage conflict, make decisions as a group.
Transport/out & about road safety, stranger danger, safe places to go, walking, use of a bus, train, bicycle, scooters.
Working in Partnership with other services
Building the use of a furnished, fully equipped home like Endeavour into the 16+ timetable can expand what a school can offer their pupils.
Perhaps involving an Occupational Therapist (OT) to observe and give guidance or perform an informal AMPS assessment during their stay. It could then inform their termly learning plan as well as any care & support plan in the future
Sharing the pupil's learning outcomes with the young person's short breaks service not only ensures there is a consistent approach to their learning and communication but it means services can support each other and they are collectively building on progress as it happens.
Working in partnership with families
Parents and family carers have a lot invested in their young adult. They are keen to work along side services to enable their children to achieve their best potential.
It is crucially important there is a consitent approach to the young person's support and everyone commits to sharing and building on the progress they make, however small that might be.
Coordinated services driven by the young person's chosen life outcomes should be everyones goal